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What is alternative sustainable gifts?

Alternative sustainable gift is similar to  a girl scout selling chocolates. The only difference is, this is not a girl scout, we don't sell chocolate. We have  a totally different story to share.

Imagine you are buying a gift for someone you Love. Imagine the one you love would rather it be given  to another family as a token of your love. Imagine because of your love it sustains a family to have sustainable  food.  


Lives have change from a single act. A single act of buying alternative sustainable gift.

For now the recipients are located in the Philippines

1. These are the poor farmers who were displaced by the Yolanda Typhoon.

2. The Poor farmers living in the mountain areas of Montalban, Philippines. 

Package A-$ 50
  • 2 Female Chickens
  • 1 Male Chicken
  • Seedlings to grow vegetables
Package B-$ 150
  • 1 Female Baby Pig
  • 2 Female chickens
  • 1 Male Chicken
  • Seedlings to grow vegetables
Package C-$ 250
  • 1 Female Baby Pig
  • 1 Goat
  • 2 Female Chickens
  • 1 Male Chicken
  • Seedlings to grow vegetables

When you buy an alternative sustainable gift you are buying a gift to jump start a poor family to having sustainable food. 

All are sent online to the Emails given:

1) A certificate

A) This will include your name as the sponsor of sustainable food or if you are buying this as a gift for someone they become the sponsor name written on the certificate. 
B) This will include the name of the family who is a recipient of your gift.

C) This will include the price of the package you bought.

2) A picture of the family.

3) A picture of your package animals that you bought for a poor family.

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